Tagebuch eines Traumtänzers

Donnerstag, 19. Juli 2012

I'm just tired

I'm just tired.
I'm tired of broken promises.
I'm tired of my past.

I'm tired of beeing yelled at by my parents that I'm useless.
I'm tired of seeing how I lose more and more people, who mean the most to me, day by day.
I'm tired of the distance that hurts.
I'm tired of all the let downs by all the people who mean the most to me.
I'm tired of all the fear that comes up in the night.
I'm tired of waking up to the same routine everyday, seeing the same void.
I'm tired of waking up alone and cold. Pushing myself to get out of my bed.
"I'm just tired", that's my excuse if people ask if everything is okay with me.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Sehr schöner Text. Hat mich berührt. Du kannst echt gut (auf englisch) schreiben. Mach weiter so.
    hier ist mein Blog:
    wäre nett wenn du mal reinschnupperst. <3
